Ringo Starr e sua tia Jessie adquirem bilhetes para uma viagem em um ônibus que não tem um roteiro conhecido pelos passageiros, mas é considerado mágico e misterioso por seus organizadores .
Filme escrito e dirigido pelos próprios Beatles com distribuição somente para a TV na época. O filme não possui uma história contínua, e abusa de elementos e cenas surreais. O filme foi muito esculhambado pelos criticos, mas inclui grandes clássicos da banda como "The Fool on The Hill", "I am The Walrus" e a música que dá nome ao filme, "Magical Mystery Tour". Além das músicas dos Beatles, participam com número musical, os membros da banda Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band que cantam a música "Death Cab for Cutie" durante a sessão de strip-tease, protagonizada pela stripper Jan Carlzon.
Video Resolution/Codec
Aspect Ratio(s)
Audio Formats
English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
English PCM Stereo
English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Netherlands, Norwegian, Danish
-Director's Commentary by Paul McCartney
-The Making of Magical Mystery Tour
-Ringo the Actor
-Meet the Supporting Cast
-Three new edits of "Your Mother Should Know," "Blue Jay Way," and "The Fool on the Hill" featuring footage not seen in the original film.
-'Hello Goodbye' as featured in Top of the Pops 1967
-Nat's Dream - A scene directed by John featuring Nat Jackley. Not included in the original film.
-Ivor Cutler 'I'm Going In A Field' - Ivor performs 'I'm Going In A Field', in a field. Not included in the original film.
-Traffic 'Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush' - The filming of Traffic acting out their 1967 hit single 'Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush' was commissioned by The Beatles for possible inclusion in Magical Mystery Tour but was not used in the final edit.
English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Netherlands, Norwegian, Danish
-Director's Commentary by Paul McCartney
-The Making of Magical Mystery Tour
-Ringo the Actor
-Meet the Supporting Cast
-Three new edits of "Your Mother Should Know," "Blue Jay Way," and "The Fool on the Hill" featuring footage not seen in the original film.
-'Hello Goodbye' as featured in Top of the Pops 1967
-Nat's Dream - A scene directed by John featuring Nat Jackley. Not included in the original film.
-Ivor Cutler 'I'm Going In A Field' - Ivor performs 'I'm Going In A Field', in a field. Not included in the original film.
-Traffic 'Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush' - The filming of Traffic acting out their 1967 hit single 'Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush' was commissioned by The Beatles for possible inclusion in Magical Mystery Tour but was not used in the final edit.

0 Sistema: NTSC Áudio: Inglês Legendas: Português Formato: 4x3 Extras: -Newsreels -Trailers |